В этот раз приведу пример кейса, к которому ставятся сразу несколько вопросов.
GMR Realty is a growing realty company that focuses on business properties outside of central areas. It specializes in matching up buyers and sellers of summerhouses, spa-centers, bed & breakfasts and other types of small businesses located in or around mid to small size towns. GMR Realty has been in business for several years and has achieved significant growth while interest rates have been low. However, they know that low interest rates will not always remain, and they want to leverage technology to compete against larger commercial and residential realty companies.
Customers: GMR Realty has two types of customers spread throughout Great Britain: buyers and sellers. Sellers include those who are often downsizing after raising a family or retiring and want something smaller and easier to manage. Buyers could be any person or business. Buyers and sellers pay for the services utilized, such as contractual assistance, realtor assistance and then pay the appropriate fees to the lenders. GMR receives 1.2% of the total selling price of the property at closing.
Business Goals, Objectives, and Requirements: GMR Realty would like to grow substantially to be able to compete with larger national firms. They want to increase their market share by 15% in the next year and decrease the time for their sale and purchase process from an average of 20 days down to 10 days. GMR Realty has determined that a self-service website will help them meet these goals and objectives by providing a communication vehicle for buyers and sellers of real estate to meet and share information. The applications will support all aspects of a real estate sale and also supply advice and recommendations. This includes connecting lenders, legal analysts, and financial analysts with buyers and sellers. The various parties will not need to meet face to face, but will be connected virtually through the app. For brevity we list only the Selling and Security processes.
Selling Process: The web site will offer the ability for a seller to complete the entire property sales process. When a person is ready to sell their property, they will be able to go on-line to make the necessary arrangements. The seller may choose to select a realtor to help them through the sales process, represent themselves and have legal counsel create the appropriate documents, or use the standard document templates found on the website. The seller can list their property on line by selecting the level of service they desire entering the property specifications and information. The system will then provide a final confirmation number and make the property available for buyers to peruse. The seller then waits for an offer. The system will notify both the seller and the seller’s realtor (if applicable) of any offers. At this time, the seller or seller’s realtor may submit a counter offer. Once the offer is accepted, the process moves to closing, which can be complex. All final documentation is created for the closing. The buyer and seller (and all selected support staff) review the contracts and agree to the sale. The buyer and seller request the system to assign pin numbers to electronically approve of all closing documents. The buyer and seller approve the closing contracts by entering their pin numbers. The system records the completion of the sale and registers the property in the buyer’s name.
Security: Each user of the system will have a password and User ID. The user will use their email address as their user ID and create a unique 6-8 digit password. The system will also provide electronic pin numbers for the buyer, seller and appropriate realtors in order to electronically sign the e-documents. Вопрос 1:
Which of the following statements about increasing the size of GMR’s market share by 15% is the most true:
A. It is a business goal
В. It is a business requirement
С. It is a business objective
D. It is part of the Future State Description
Вопрос 2:
Which type of model would be most appropriate to use for specifying requirements for the processes that GMR needs?
A. Use Cases because of the numerous interactions between actors and the system.
B. State Diagrams because the sale goes through numerous states from “for sale” to “sold.”
C. Swim Lane Models because the process steps have numerous handoffs between actors.
D. Sequence Diagrams because it can show how the various objects interact in the given scenarios.
Вопрос 3. During a review of the requirements for the effort, you discover the “Make Offer” process is more complicated than you first understood. The goal of this process is to complete a sale. If a buyer and seller can’t agree on a price, the property is returned to an available status and all offers and counter-offers are retained for future reference. What is your best response to discovering this information?
А. Identify the new requirements as a Depends relationship between the newly discovered Save Offers and the main Make Offer process.
B. Given that Save Offers does not accomplish the desired goal of selling a property, model it as an Exception Path in the Make Offer process
C. Given the complexity of the newly discovered process, reject the new requirements as being out of scope.
D. Identify that the more complex requirements are a Derive type of relationship to the requirements for the Make Offer process.
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Сразу скажу, что вопросы у авторов вышли довольно заковыристые.
Вопрос 1:
Правильный ответ - В. It is a business requirement
- Business goal не подходит по определению "A state or condition that an organization is seeking to establish and maintain, usually expressed qualitatively rather than quantitatively." А у нас как раз качественный и конкретный результат описан.
- part of the Future State Description - не подходит по определению: the future state description includes boundaries of the proposed new, removed, and modified components of the enterprise and the potential value expected from the future state. The description might include the desired future capabilities, policies, resources, dependencies, infrastructure, external influences, and relationships between each element.
Я колебался между Business objective и Business requirements
- Business objective: An objective, measurable result to indicate that a business goal has been achieved.
- Business requirement: statements of goals, objectives, and outcomes that describe why a change has been initiated.
Но больше подходит вариант "Business requirement".
Вопрос 2:
Правильный ответ:
A. Use Cases because of the numerous interactions between actors and the system.
Вариант В охватывает только одну сущность.
Вариант С: В данном случае взаимодействуют не актеры друг с другом, а актеры с системой.
Вариант D: На мой взгляд, Sequence Diagrams лучше подходит для отображения взаимодействия систем: "Sequence diagrams are also often used to show how user interface components or software components interact." Кроме того, согласно BABOK: "A sequence diagram shows how processes or objects interact during a scenario. The classes required to execute the scenario and the messages they pass to one another (triggered by steps in the use case) are displayed on the diagram."
Вопрос 3:
Правильный ответ: D. Identify that the more complex requirements are a Derive type of relationship to the requirements for the Make Offer process.
Согласно условию, мы должно декомпозировать исходное требование для описания возможных сценариев. Следовательно, новое требование будет являться альтернативным сценарием относительно основного сценария. А значит нам подходит связть типа Derive:" relationship between two requirements, used when a requirement is derived from another requirement. This type of relationship is appropriate to link the requirements on different levels of abstraction. "
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